FrequencyTop 100
Kyōiku (2nd grade) 
KankenLevel 9
Composed of
home village

A pictograph of a king living in his castle (on the left) which overlooks his home village (on the right).

Every day after he wakes up the first thing the king sees through the huge window in his chambers is that damn village. He was born there. He was raised there. He really misses that place and wants to go back. But he can't. The hard logic dictates that doing such a thing would be extremely dangerous. The moment he peeks his nose outside of the castle gates he'll get assasinated. He knows it. So the only thing he can do is to look through the window, and sigh.

Used in vocabulary (1562 in total)
reason; pretext; motive
unreasonable; unnatural; impossible; forcible; forced; excessive (work, etc.); immoderate
understanding; comprehension; appreciation; sympathy
cooking; cookery; cuisine; dealing with something; handling; administration
control; management (e.g. of a business)
processing; dealing with; treatment; disposition; disposal
sorting; arrangement; liquidation; settlement; retrenchment; curtailment
ideal; ideals
forcibly; against one's will
theory; reason; logic; (unreasonable) argument; strained logic; excuse
reason; reasoning power; (one's) sense
unreasonable; irrational; outrageous; absurd
forcibly; against one's will
duty; sense of duty; honor; in-law; relation by marriage
reason; logic; sense; truth; right
repair; mending; fixing; servicing
natural; understandable; reasonable; no wonder
cooking; food preparation
representation; agency; proxy; deputy; agent; attorney
to work too hard; to try too hard; to strain oneself; to overdo it; to go too far
natural; understandable; reasonable; no wonder
state of mind; mentality; psychology
principle; theory; fundamental truth
rational; reasonable; logical
reasoning; inference; deduction; mystery or detective genre
reason; principle; general principle (as opposed to individual concrete phenomenon); (in neo-Confucianism) the underlying principles of the cosmos
laws of nature; physical laws; physics
logic; logical
(a) principle; (a) reason; (a) point; some truth
reason; logic; sense; natural way of things
administrator; janitor; manager; custodian; executor
manager; landlord; warden; root (user)
forcing; compulsion; coercion; pushing (to do)
ethics; morals
(Platonic) ideal (of how things ought to be, e.g. human rights); foundational principle; idea; conception (e.g. of the university); doctrine; ideology
psychological; mental
to ask a big favour; to ask unreasonable things; to be unreasonable
impossible to understand; impossible to decipher
physiological; physical; visceral; instinctive; in one's guts
absurd; irrational; unreasonable; absurdity (philosophy)
prime minister (as the head of a cabinet government); premier
(divine) providence; dispensation
science (inc. mathematics, medicine, etc.); natural science; science department (university); science course; science (as a school subject)
head chef; master chef
sophism; chop logic; far-fetched argument; quibble; cavil; argument for argument's sake
physiology; menstruation; one's period; menses
natural; understandable; reasonable; no wonder
unreasonable demand
proxy; agent; substitute; deputy; alternate; representative
understanding person; supporter
prime minister (as the head of a cabinet government); premier; leading; overseeing; leader
to collect (e.g. one's thoughts); to get in order
ethics; ethical viewpoint; moral value; sense of duty; sense of ethics
physical law; laws of physics
accounting; administration (of money)
cookware; cooking utensil
being good at cooking; good cook
director; trustee
to be unable to understand; to baffle one's understanding; to be beyond one's comprehension
to show understanding; to appreciate; to be positive about
irrational; illogical; unreasonable; absurd; inconsistent
natural; reasonable; understandable
hard to understand; Byzantine fashion
mystery novel; detective novel; whodunit
reasonable; natural
ideal land; earthly paradise; Utopia; Arcadia
behavioral principle; principle (value) governing one's conduct
(power of) understanding; comprehensive faculty
to make sense
keeping things tidy and in order
board of directors; board of trustees
possessed of a strong sense of duty
reason for being; raison d'être
physiological phenomenon; physiological response
health management; health maintenance; health care
throughput; processing power
dishonesty; injustice; dishonor; dishonour; ingratitude
to make sense
logical; cogent; well-reasoned; logically consistent
fish-based cooking; fish dish
rationality; reasonableness
to reach mutual understanding; to understand each other
idealistic thought (argument)
after-treatment; post-treatment; post-processing; dealing with the aftermath
administrator; director; commissioner
art of cooking; cookery; cuisine
self-evident truth; obvious fact; truism; axiom
theory; reason; logic; (unreasonable) argument; strained logic; excuse
state of mind; (one's) mental state
crisis management
kitchen table; kitchen counter; working surface
Chinese cooking; Chinese food
cooking practice; (school) cooking class
deep psyche; unconscious mind; depth psychology
cooking class; cookery school
management; managerial position; administrative post; person in a managerial position
to cultivate a better understanding
theorem; proposition
doing one's duty
to gain the understanding (of); to obtain consent (from)
reasoning; logic; persuasion
psychological warfare
health management; health maintenance; health care
administration bureau
rationalization; justification
filing (documents, etc.)
mutual understanding
idealized image
lack of understanding; lack of sympathy
to be reasonable; to stand to reason; to be logical; to hold water
(study of) logic
obligation chocolate; chocolate given by women to male colleagues, etc. out of obligation on Valentine's day
impossibly hard video game
war by proxy; proxy war
cook-house; galley; kitchen
ostensible (surface) reason
taking care of something by oneself; self-management
regional cuisine; local cuisine
multi-course menu; multi-course dining
deductive powers; reasoning capability; reasoning skill
don't push yourself too hard; don't force yourself
forced double suicide
to ask for understanding
to find an excuse; to rationalize; to find a pretext
rationalization; rationalisation; rationalize; rationalise
comprehension; understanding
small restaurant; eating house
tax counsellor; tax counselor; licensed tax accountant
managerial liability; executive responsibility; accountability
accounting department
numbered ticket (e.g. to determine order of service in shop, etc.); zone ticket; boarding ticket; bus ticket dispensed at boarding, used to show where one boarded
intellect; intelligence
ethics; moral philosophy
advertising agency; advertising firm; advertising company
being prepared for a theoretical (ideological) argument; being armed with theoretical backing
management system
egg dishes; food prepared with eggs
local specialty; local special dish
one's sister-in-law; stepsister (elder)
axiom; maxim; self-evident truth
natural; understandable; reasonable; no wonder
one's brother-in-law; stepbrother (elder)
land readjustment; town planning
prime minister (as the head of a cabinet government); premier
Western food; Western-style food
Italian food; Italian cooking
science and mathematics
mathematical principle; mathematics; arithmetic; figures; accounts
barbershop; barber shop
taking care of one's sexual urges; sexual gratification
texture (e.g. skin, fabric); grain (e.g. wood); detail
safety administration; safety control; safety management
intellect; intelligence
osechi; osechi-ryōri; traditional food eaten during the New Year's holidays
father-in-law; foster father; stepfather
sophism; chop logic; far-fetched argument; quibble; cavil; argument for argument's sake
administrative building
Committee for Election Administration
cooking program; cookery show
rationalization; justification
putting one's affairs in order; ordering one's affairs; tidying up
to go over one's head; to be beyond one's comprehension
psychological description
duty and humanity; (a sense of) moral obligation and humane feelings
physical science; natural science; physics; lixue (Song-era Chinese philosophy); (arch.) philosophy
repair workshop; garage; repairman
creative cookery; creative cuisine
trees with entwined branches; intimate male and female relationship
sanitary-protection products (e.g. sanitary napkins, tampons); sanpro
hygiene management; hygiene control; sanitation
department of science
vegetarian cuisine originally derived from the dietary restrictions of Buddhist monks
menstrual pain; period pain
idealization; idealisation
estate sale; estate liquidation
processing plant; treatment plant
to break down due to overwork; to try so hard that the situation gets worse
administration costs; administrative expenses; management costs
administrative ability; managerial ability; ability to manage; administrative capacity
unreasonable idea; illogical plan; illogical move (in shogi or go)
deputy (vice) prime minister
mother-in-law; foster mother; stepmother
basic principle; fundamental principle
department of science and engineering
the force (in Star Wars)
principle of leverage
mystery writer; detective fiction writer; crime author
the principle of the thing
UN Security Council
cuisine with fresh seafoods
traditional Japanese meal brought in courses; tea-ceremony dishes
sexual relief; masturbation
absurdity; irrationality
garbage disposal; refuse disposal; waste treatment
workforce reduction; personnel cut
to collect (e.g. one's thoughts); to get in order
supervisory authority; regulatory authority; right of management; custodial right
pending; incomplete
to reach mutual understanding; to understand each other
right and wrong
Immigration Bureau; Immigration Office
scholarly principle; scientific principle
theoretical value
philosophic principles; philosophy
to break down due to overwork; to try so hard that the situation gets worse
the bounds of reason; the limits of (common) sense
humanities and sciences; social sciences and hard sciences; context; (line of) reasoning
cooking expert; culinary researcher
natural laws; rule of heaven
parallel processing; array processing
logic device; logic circuit
cookware; cooking gear
theory of games
standing to reason; natural
proxy; agent; substitute; deputy; alternate; representative
mass psychology; mob psychology; crowd psychology; herd mentality; group mind
data processing; data handling
fundamental (basic) principles; fundamentals; ground rules
untreated; left unattended (to); still to be dealt with; unprocessed
United Nations Security Council
legal principle
physiological saline; normal saline; saline solution
deputy manager; acting manager; acting section chief
superintendence; supervision; administration
permanent member of the UN Security Council
to stand to reason
implementation; processor
to fail in one's social duties
waste-disposal facility; landfill; garbage dump
code of ethics; ethical code; ethical consideration; ethical provision; ethics regulation; honor (honour) code
executive chef; head chef
management task; administrative task
deputy section or department manager
cookery school; cooking school; culinary school; culinary academy
fundamental idea; basic concept
accounting section
handling complaints
centralized management; centrally controlled system
barbershop; barber shop
surrogate mother
clinical psychologist; clinical psychotherapist
barber; hairdresser
being aware
emotion and reason; logic and emotion; justice and compassion (criminal justice context)
science course
adjustment of debts; debt-workout; consolidation of debts; settlement of debts
Tenrikyo (Shinto sect)
pathologic; pathological
Spanish food; Spanish cooking
accounting; (the) accounting process; account processing
to be able to handle strain (overexertion, inconvenience, etc.)
rational number
logically; from a logical point of view
treatment plant; treatment facility
service à la carte; single dish eaten by itself (without side dishes)
reason; facts; propriety; sense
the principle of the thing
Aum Shinrikyo; Japanese religious group responsible for the 1995 sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway
psychology counselor; psychological counselor
physics and chemistry
asset management; asset management provision
finance; economy
Okinawan food; Okinawan cuisine
liquidation (of a company); finishing remaining business
the bounds of reason; the limits of (common) sense
in all conscience; in honour; in duty bound
science and technology
controlled society; regulated society
music theory; musical theory
psychological tactics
principle of leverage
to be faithful; to do one's duty
Bachelor of Science; BSc; BS
managing director
Indian cuisine; Indian cooking; Indian food
the bounds of reason; the limits of (common) sense
quibble; pointless argument
registered dietitian; nationally certified nutritionist
physiotherapist; physical therapist
to be able to handle strain (overexertion, inconvenience, etc.)
administrative authority
effect of a drug
Doctor of Science; DSc
Prime Minister's official residence
osechi; osechi-ryōri; traditional food eaten during the New Year's holidays
physiological function; physiology
transcendental reason
port authority; port administration
Szechuan cuisine; Sichuan cuisine
set of dishes served on an individual tray for entertaining guests; banquet
controlled access location
casual dish (esp. Japanese food); simple dish
unreasonable; illogical
processing unit; processor
menstrual irregularity; irregular periods
to cook (food); to manage well; to handle well
irrational number
United Nations Security Council Resolution
(South) Korean cooking; (South) Korean food
immigration (and emigration) control
logic; reasoning; argument
processing system
to become overly logical; to be hairsplitting
barbershop; barber shop
science and technology
operating principles
high speed processing
failing in one's duty (e.g. to someone)
reductio ad absurdum
dressed bread; bread to which something has been added (sandwich, pirogi, etc.); stuffed bread (rolls, buns, etc.)
bureau; chest of drawers; cabinet
study of natural laws; branch of neo-Confusianist scholarship
joint; reason; sense; logic
parent-in-law; parents-in-law
waste-disposal facility; landfill; garbage dump
administrator (of a building); manager
personnel management; personnel administration
practical reason or ethics
financial management
labor management; labour management
representative of a board of directors; spokesperson for a board of directors
scraping together (a sum of money); raising (a sum of money) by straining one's credit
management philosophy; management principles; managerial creed
application management
freshwater fish cuisine
distributed processing; decentralized processing
non-permanent member (UN Security Council)
management function
meals prepared for employees (e.g. of a restaurant); staff meals
garbage disposal; refuse disposal; waste treatment
auto-repair shop; service station; garage
to appeal to one's reason
quibble; pointless argument
rearrangement; reorganization; recounting (an event)
ethnic food (esp. Asian, African, etc.)
cooling down (exercises)
corporate vision; corporate philosophy; philosophy of business; corporate ethos; corporate mission
banner mounting at the back of samurai armor
charge d'affaires of embassy
(Goedel's) incompleteness theorem
statistical processing
rational; rational (number or function)
pure reason; pure logic
physical quantity
Prime Minister's office; PMO
public accountant
induction cooker; electromagnetic cooker
broken windows theory; criminological theory stating that serious crime can be prevented by maintaining the good physical condition of an urban environment
management tool
situation room; crisis management office
copyreading department
justifiable; warranted; reasonable
logical inconsistency; logical contradiction
management organization; management organisation
psychological experiment
statutory representative; legal representative
waste disposal; waste treatment
curing (meat, etc.); preservative treatment
social relationship; friendship
loan shark who specializes in refinancing debts
individual psychology; psychology of an individual
abstract or impracticable theory
Ryukyuan food; Ryukyuan cuisine
logical layout, organization
physiotherapy; physical therapy
treated wastewater; treated sewage
chargé d'affaires; chargé
administration of an estate
resource management
study of natural laws; branch of neo-Confusianist scholarship
forcibly; against one's will
impractical or useless theory
uniform management; uniform control; to control centrally; to manage centrally; to consolidate
repairman; repairer
sewage treatment facility; sewage treatment works
patent attorney; patent agent
ne bis in idem; prohibition against double jeopardy
trigonometric addition formulas
grain (of wood)
garbage disposal plant; refuse disposal facility; waste treatment plant
agency; (attorney's) authority of representation
forcing; compulsion; coercion; pushing (to do)
barbering; haircutting; hairdressing
concurrent processing
woman in STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics); female scientist
ratio decidendi; reason for a verdict
quickly prepared meal or dish
unreasonableness; absurdity; irrationality
preprocessing; pretreatment
member country of the executive committee in an international organization (organisation)
days of one's menstrual period
management task; management function
management cost
smooth; meticulous; painstaking; detailed
physical memory
principle of duality
voluntary liquidation; winding-up
Deliberative Council on Political Ethics
word processor function for handling line breaking rules in Japanese
gourmet; gastronome
Immigration Services Agency (of Japan); Immigration Bureau of Japan
logic operation; logical operation
legal liquidation; court-mediated winding-up of a company
traditional inn priding itself on its cuisine; Japanese-style restaurant with an attached inn
export control; export controls
streamlining of operations
batch processing
theatre of the absurd (theater)
Aum Shinrikyo incidents; string of incidents, crimes, etc. committed by the Aum Shinrikyo religious group in the 1980s
philosophy of mathematics; mathematical philosophy
administrative expenses; management expenses
self-management; self-imposed control
meals prepared for employees (e.g. of a restaurant); staff meals
the wrongdoer never lacks a pretext; even thieves have their reasons
Cantonese food; Cantonese cuisine
natural; understandable; reasonable; no wonder
the rights and wrongs (of a case)
psychological examination; mental test
M-theory ("master theory" that unifies the five superstring theories)
perfunctory; going-through-the-motions-sort of (invitation, gift, etc.)
network administration
physiotherapy; physical therapy
configuration management
atomic physics; nuclear physics
internal processing
there are no rebels without reasons
physical layer; PHY
facts being beyond dispute; logic being indisputable
days of one's menstrual period
li and qi; li and chi; (in Song-period neo-Confucianism) the underlying principles and the material phenomena of the cosmos
practical theory or principle
very reasonable; being perfectly consistent with reason; standing to reason
procedures to determine the points at issue; pre-trial mutual disclosure and discussion of the points of contention
you are unquestionably right
managerial accounting
restructuring termination (of employment); dismissal due to economic conditions
theoretical philosophy
psychology for human services
reasoning; logic; persuasion
redeployment of arable land
Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
extremely high-grade Japanese meal served all at once (on a table with legs)
logical product; AND operation; conjunction; intersection
forced compliance; coercion; compulsion
Japanese-Chinese cuisine, served family-style (large dishes, diners help themselves), specialty of Nagasaki; Chinese table cuisine
department of science and technology
by fair means or foul; right or wrong
SMT; Station Management
industrial waste disposal facility; wastes treatment facility
information processing equipment; information technology equipment
Data Base Management System; DBMS
physiological saline; normal saline; saline solution
barbershop; barber shop
administrator (of a building); manager
file management; file-control
linguistic psychology; psycholinguistics (esp. from a psychological standpoint)
Gaia theory; Gaia principle; Gaia hypothesis
chronological scientific tables
bureau; chest of drawers; cabinet
prime minister (as the head of a cabinet government); premier; leading; overseeing; leader
axiomatic system
administrator of an estate
cryptography; cryptographic theory
principle of thought (logic)
game theory; theory of games
the laws of nature and humanity
smorgasbord; all-you-can-eat buffet
(establishing a) big lead; (winning by a) huge margin; breaking away (from the field)
prime minister and party president
mathematical science
rationalization (modifying part of an irrational expression, esp. denominators, to exclude roots or irrational numbers)
to strive for mutual understanding
hydraulic; hydrologic
principle of sufficient reason (logic)
reason; logic; sense; natural way of things
sophist; quibbler
the laws of nature and humanity
certified tax accountant exam (examination); tax accountant exam (examination)
smooth; meticulous; painstaking; detailed
universal principle; universal principles
irrational expression
physical geography; physiography
disjunction; logical sum; logical add; OR operation
natural language processing; NLP
sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus)
Japan Casino Regulatory Commission
absurdity; irrationality
one can give a plausible argument for anything
address administration
multiplexing; multiprocessing
free repair; free servicing
Bernoulli's theorem; Bernoulli's principle
right triumphs over wrong, law triumphs over right, power triumphs over law, heaven triumphs over power; no man can oppose the divine
theoretical chemistry
Administrative Management Agency
supervised trading of a stock, e.g. during delisting
unreasonable and unjust; unconscionable
rule of law; administration of justice
predicate logic; predicate calculus
osechi; osechi-ryōri; traditional food eaten during the New Year's holidays
historical geography
grounds for an appeal
principle of superposition; superposition principle
land readjustment; town planning
reason and justice
Modern Monetary Theory; Modern Money Theory; neo-chartalism
centralized (data) processing
plant physiology; physiological botany
ministerial council; council of ministers
physical layout, organization
Chinese-style vegetarian cuisine (popular in the Edo period)
neurophysiology; nerve physiology
four-color theorem (colour) (theorem stating that any map can be colored such that no two adjacent segments have the same color, if only four colors are used)
barbershop; barber shop
prime minister and party president
principle of identity (logic)
jingisukan; Japanese mutton and vegetable dish
fish, meat, and vegetable stew traditionally served to wrestlers
processing service; processing work
agreement used to prevent unauthorized or faked divorce by couples in Japan in the future
materials management or handling
automobile mechanic; auto mechanic; car mechanic; garage mechanic
distributed processing system
National Examination for Information Processing Technicians; NEIPT
ideal gas; perfect gas
administrative cost; head office expenses; general management expenses
pharmacological activity
radio wave regulation
principle of majority rule
stigmatized property; real estate where a crime, death, etc. has occurred
practical ethics (morality)
flight from science
increase in profit; increase in profitability; augmentation of earnings; revenue management
one can give a plausible argument for anything
logic synthesis (semiconductor technique)
voluntary liquidation; winding-up
period poverty; menstrual poverty
rational expression
access management
you are unquestionably right
(literary) realism; detached perspective
biogeography; biological geography
reorganizing an industry or enterprise and weeding out redundant workers; readjustment and retrenchment
processor; handler
sorting one's tiles
rounding figures (e.g. to the nearest whole number)
logical value (true or false); truth value
network management
public accountant
mathematical biology; theoretical biology; biomathematics
administrative assistant
data processing system; computer system; computing system
physical findings; physical examination findings
yūsoku cuisine; banquet cuisine based on that of Heian period nobility
popular psychology; pop psychology; pop psych
voluntary liquidation; winding-up
barbershop; barber shop
equivalence principle
statement of purpose; essay/letter in university application form
logic unit; arithmetic and logic unit; ALU
sanitary shorts; period panties; sanitary panties
principle of sufficient reason (logic)
to lose an argument despite being in the right; to have the right on one's side, yet succumb to another
waste treatment facility; WTF; waste disposal and treatment facility
axiomatic theory
gate; logic element
Korean food; Korean cooking
indeed; it's no wonder
early Japanese Christianity (from the later Muromachi period); early Japanese Christian
no good at cooking
superintendence; supervision; administration
Aum Shinrikyo; Japanese religious group responsible for the 1995 sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway
bureau; chest of drawers; cabinet
forcibly; against one's will
Cantonese food; Cantonese cuisine
you are unquestionably right
forced compliance; coercion; compulsion
past geography
jingisukan; Japanese mutton and vegetable dish
jingisukan; Japanese mutton and vegetable dish
principle of superposition; superposition principle
reasonably; comfortably; without hardship; without straining oneself
reasonably; comfortably; without hardship; without straining oneself
flight from science
essence of all things; noumenon
deism; belief in God as creator of universe
woman in STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics); female scientist
automatic data processing; ADP
Director General of Prime Minister's Office
mail-order department; branch store
electronic data processing; EDP
unreasonable; irrational; illogical
management by objectives; MBO
vulcanized rubber; vulcanised rubber
pines with entwined branches
irrational function
grievance machinery; complaints department
documentary examination
Japan's press code (developed in 1946)
linguistic geography
psychological warfare
renormalization theory; renormalisation theory
renormalization theory; renormalisation theory
liquidation of speculative accounts
semantics principle
subcategorization principle; subcategorisation principle
principles and parameters approach
government-binding theory; government and binding theory
foot feature convention; FFP
discourse representation structure theory; DRS
discourse representation structure theory
the reason(s) is (are) as follows
Pauli exclusion principle; Pauli's principle
cosmological principle
controlled trade; government-managed trade
National Bar Examination Administration Commission
nonsequitur; non sequitur
nonsequitur; non sequitur
negative logic (electronics)
executive positions in the civil service
reorganization; restructuring
reasoning by analogy; analogical inference; analogism
cord; cording; stria; striae
cost management; cost tracking
invitation letter (e.g. document in support of a visa to enter Japan)
invitation letter (e.g. document in support of a visa to enter Japan)
factor proportions theory (of international trade)
many-valued logic; multi-valued logic
non-monotonic logic; nonmonotonic logic
edible chrysanthemum
Le Chatelier's principle
Pauli exclusion principle
geographic information system; GIS
geographic isolation; geographical isolation
Shinri-kyo (sect of Shinto)
neo-Confucianism (esp. from the Song period)
passive vocabulary
theoretical air fuel ratio
array processing
array processor; vector processor
array processor; vector processor
Web-Based Enterprise Management; WBEM
error handling routine; error-handling routine
error handling mechanism; error-handling mechanism
online transaction processing; OLTP
online processing; online operation
OnLine Analytical Processing; OLAP
code management
CMT; Connection Management
systems management service
systems management function
(systems management) operation
Shannon-Hartley theorem; Shannon's law
cell processing
Data Base Administrator; DBA
Data Processing Center; DPC
Transaction Processing channel; channel
Transaction Processing Protocol Machine; TPPM
Transaction Processing Application Service Element; TPASE
non-glare treatment
project management software
array processor; vector processor
array processor; vector processor
mount(ing) process
macrogenerator; macroprocessor
macrogenerator; macroprocessor
memory management
Memory Management Unit; MMU
Memory Management Unit; MMU
list processing
remote administration
link process definition; LPD
hidden line removal; hidden line elimination
hidden line removal; hidden line elimination
hidden surface removal
Arithmetic and Logic Unit; ALU
conversational processing
RMS; Recovery Management Support
reason for revision; reason for modification
external management
relational management
call processing
switching capacity; switching ability
coordinate graphics; line graphics
spectrum management; frequency management
processing instruction
IRM; Information Resource Management
MPS; Mathematical Programming System
generation management
performance management
coordinate graphics; line graphics
interactive processing
mass storage control system; MSCS
intelligent information processing
non-equivalence operation; EXCLUSIVE-OR operation
version management; revision management
non-conjunction; NAND operation; NOT-BOTH operation
non-disjunction; NOR operation; NEITHER-NOR operation
managed (open) system
additional physical rendition; PD PR
physical line; physical circuit
physical forwarding prohibited; PD PR
distributed data processing; DDP
DCE; Distributed Computing Environment
logical shift; logic shift
logic programming language
sequential logical order
logic diagram
logical input device; logical input value
(inclusive) OR gate; (inclusive) OR element
sexual intercourse permitted (by a woman) due to a sense of obligation (rather than desire)
sexual intercourse permitted (by a woman) due to a sense of obligation (rather than desire)
principle of contradiction (logic)
principle of reason (logic)
man-hour management; manpower management
fallacy (sometimes esp. a paralogism)
situation ethics; situational ethics
ethics of science and technology
palaeobiogeography; paleobiogeography
paleogeography; palaeogeography
political economy
digital signal processing; DSP
public corporation set up to administer a public facility
administrator (manager) of a public facility
copper alloy with traces of silver, lead, or tin
system of self-management; honour system
frontier molecular orbital theory
after-treatment expenses (esp. nuclear waste); cleanup costs
contemplation of principle
unpasteurized (beer); draft (beer); draught (beer); (lit.) nonthermal treatment
director of finance; finance director
vacuum cooking; sous vide
supervised trading of a stock, e.g. during delisting
cooking meat, fish, etc. over flames
cooking meat, fish, etc. over flames
evolutionary game theory (EGT)
l'Hospital's rule; l'Hôpital's rule
dermatoglyphic pattern; dermatoglyphics
comprehensive psychology; comprehension psychology
hairdresser; beautician; cosmetician
maritime judicial scrivener; marine procedure commission agent
discourse representation theory; DRT
variational principle
Act on Payment of Relief Benefit for Victims, etc. of Crimes Committed by Aum Shinrikyo (2008)
safety officer; safety administrator
(induced) oxygenation; treatment with oxygen
ultrasonication; sonication; ultrasonic treatment
healthcare allowance; medical stipend
travel agent; reseller (of tour packages, etc.)
kanji composed entirely of duplicate radicals
don't overwork yourself; don't overdo it
quality control; QC
sawachi ryōri; assorted cold food served on a large plate
control point; control item
macro theory; macroeconomic theory; macroscopic theory
customer relationship management; CRM
barbershop; barber shop
Moon movement; Moonism; Unificationism
management engineering
texture (of a rock); structure
managed care (health)
exclusion principle
hot spring inn (onsen ryokan) priding itself on its cuisine
to lose an argument despite being in the right; to have the right on one's side, yet succumb to another
to lose an argument despite being in the right; to have the right on one's side, yet succumb to another
logical line (of code)
physical line (of code)
(Western) physics
(Western) physics
cleaning up one's follow list (by removing accounts; on social media); managing one's follows
entity resolution; identity resolution; entity recognition; entity deduplication
subzero treatment; deep cooling; sub-zero cooling; sub-zero treatment
generally-understood logic; clear logic; rationality; making sense
geographical pole
custom food order (e.g. at a hotel); special food order
administration (of affairs, etc.); presiding over; control; management
authority control (e.g. in library cataloging)
chargé d'affaires ad interim; acting chargé d'affaires
Lathyrus quinquenervius (species of vetchling)
Examples (200 in total)
This is the reason why he did it.
This is the reason I came here.
I need to know the reasons why.