FrequencyTop 700-800
Kyōiku (6th grade) 
KankenLevel 5
Composed of

If you'd pick a thousand people at random, and looked into their mouth you will find that each one of them has a tongue inside.

Used in kanji (15 in total)
to speak
Used in vocabulary (130 in total)
tongue; tongue-like object; clapper (of a bell); talon (of a lock)
clicking one's tongue; tut-tut; smacking one's lips (with relish)
to put out one's tongue; to stick out one's tongue
tip of tongue
talkativeness; garrulity; loquacity
licking one's lips; licking one's chops
wicked tongue; abusive language
to be astonished; to be amazed; to be astounded; to be deeply impressed
to smack one's lips (over a dish); to eat with relish
speech; eloquence; manner of speaking; manner of expression
lisping; poorly expressed; unclear (wording); imprecise (expression)
dislike of very hot food or drink; inability to take hot food; (lit.) cat tongue
feel on the tongue (of food or drink); texture
war of words
articulation; speaking one's lines smoothly; reciting one's lines well
lisping; poorly expressed; unclear (wording); imprecise (expression)
licking one's lips; licking one's chops
base of the tongue; root of the tongue
sharp tongue; eloquence
to speak without hesitation or problems; to speak fluently or skillfully; to be talkative; to have a glib tongue
to speak unclearly; to speak inarticulately; to pronounce poorly; to slur one's words; to lisp
to be particular about one's food; to have a discriminating palate
long talk; long-winded speech
smacking one's lips (over food)
double-dealing; duplicity; equivocation; (lit.) double-tongued
clicking one's tongue; tut-tut; smacking one's lips (with relish)
eloquence or flattery designed to deceive
speaking with a trill; rolling one's r's
manner of speaking; way of speaking; intimation; lip service; words
shrike (any bird of family Laniidae); bull-headed shrike (Lanius bucephalus); butcher bird
in the same breath; hardly had the words been said
written and spoken words; description
shrike (any bird of family Laniidae); bull-headed shrike (Lanius bucephalus); butcher bird
sharp (tongue, criticism, etc.); cutting; scathing
person with a sharp tongue
tip of the tongue; speech; way of talking
feel on the tongue (of food or drink); texture
being unable to discern good food from bad; poor person's taste (in food); unsophisticated palate
cow's tongue; sole (any fish of the families Cynoglossidae and Soleidae)
sole (any fish of the families Cynoglossidae and Soleidae); red tonguesole (Cynoglossus joyneri)
lisping; poorly expressed; unclear (wording); imprecise (expression)
careless remark; incriminating remark; unfortunate statement; slip of the tongue
agave; maguey; American aloe; century plant (Agave americana)
talkativeness; garrulity; loquacity
talkative person; chatterbox
tip of the tongue; speech; way of talking
speaking with a trill; rolling one's r's
poor taste (in food); unsophisticated palate
in the same breath; hardly had the words been said
root of the tongue
sublingual; under the tongue
hyoid bone (of the skull)
eloquence or flattery designed to deceive
to speak unclearly; to speak inarticulately; to pronounce poorly; to slur one's words; to lisp
to make a long-winded speech; to give a long talk
articulation; speaking one's lines smoothly; reciting one's lines well
lisping; cooing
soft and pleasant on the tongue
tip of the tongue; tongue tip; lingual apex
tongue depressor
lingual sound
in the same breath; hardly had the words been said
trouble caused by a slip of the tongue
soft and pleasant on the tongue
butcher-bird prey impaled on twigs, thorns, etc. for later consumption
butcher-bird prey impaled on twigs, thorns, etc. for later consumption
barbarian jabbering
poor taste (in food); unsophisticated palate
sublingual tablet
fur (on one's tongue)
soft and pleasant on the tongue
tongue piercing; tongue stud
in the same breath; hardly had the words been said
speech; eloquence; manner of speaking; manner of expression
soft and pleasant on the tongue
rear part of the tongue
agave; maguey; American aloe; century plant (Agave americana)
soft and pleasant on the tongue
cancer of the tongue
tongue (of a shoe)
sole (any fish of the families Cynoglossidae and Soleidae); red tonguesole (Cynoglossus joyneri)
soft and pleasant on the tongue
lovers' tiff; quarrel between lovers; chattering; idle talk
war of words; quarrel; dispute
talking so fast that even a four-horse coach cannot catch up to the words
sole (any fish of the families Cynoglossidae and Soleidae)
talkative person; chatterbox
evil tongue; gossip
sublingual gland
wet (moist) tongue
splitting the bill so that the others end up paying the whole amount; wheedling the others into paying the whole bill
(public) opinion leader
a glib tongue (with fair words); fluent talk designed to deceive; talk something away
kanji "tongue" radical at left
pentastomid (any worm of phylum Pentastomida)
benign migratory glossitis; geographic tongue
spoken word performance; oral arts
dorsal; dorsal consonant
coronal; coronal consonant
retroflex; retroflex consonant; retroflex sound
retroflex; retroflex consonant; retroflex sound
retroflex; retroflex consonant; retroflex sound
unclear speech
unclear speech
sticking out one's tongue when putting food in one's mouth
black cow-tongue (species of tonguefish, Paraplagusia japonica)
black cow-tongue (species of tonguefish, Paraplagusia japonica)
northern shrike; great grey shrike (Lanius excubitor)
tongue worm (any worm of phylum Pentastomida)
zebra sole (Zebrias zebrinus)
zebra sole (Zebrias zebrinus)
bamboo sole (Heteromycteris japonica)
red tonguesole (Cynoglossus joyneri)
Examples (23 in total)
A woman's hair is long; her tongue is longer.
The side of my tongue hurts.
Show me your tongue.