FrequencyTop 400-500
Kyōiku (6th grade) 
KankenLevel 5
Composed of
Used in vocabulary (349 in total)
abdomen; belly; womb; one's mind; one's real intentions; courage; nerve
belly; abdomen; stomach
to get angry; to take offense; to take offence; to be furious
opposite; reverse; contrary
side (of the torso); flank; illegitimate child; child born by someone other than one's wife
empty stomach; hunger
irritating; aggravating; upsetting
to take offense; to take offence; to get angry; to lose one's temper
to become hungry
to get angry
to become hungry; to get an empty stomach
in the belly; in one's heart of hearts
full up; to have had enough of something (both good and bad nuance)
sit-up; abdominal muscles; abs
halfway up (down) a mountain; mountainside
full stomach; filling one's stomach; eating one's fill; complete; total; full
mean; malicious; scheming; wicked; black-hearted
to roll around laughing; to fold up; to hold one's sides with laughter
one's confidant; trusted friend; trusted retainer
stomach ache; abdominal pain
abdomen; stomach; lower parts; under parts
anger; offence; offense; rage; taking offense; taking offence
ball of a finger; finger cushion; pulp of the finger; pad of the finger
to prepare oneself for the worst; to strengthen one's resolve; to accept one's fate; to prepare oneself
retaliation; revenge
seppuku; harakiri; ritual suicide by disembowelment; seppuku as a death penalty (where the convict is decapitated by a second as they make the motions to disembowel themself; Edo period)
side; flank
having a meal (before doing something); fortifying oneself with a meal
to commit seppuku; to commit harakiri; to take responsibility (and resign); (arch.) to laugh until one splits one's side
generous; magnanimous; big-hearted; broad-minded; (lit.) big-bellied
to become hungry; to get an empty stomach
to become hungry
roundworm (Ascaris lumbricoides); mawworm; (metaphor for) location of one's feelings or sentiments; (metaphor for) empty stomach; feeling of hunger
full stomach; bellyful; (eat) heartily; to one's heart's content
to prepare oneself for the worst; to strengthen one's resolve; to accept one's fate; to prepare oneself
paying one's own way
side (of the torso); flank; illegitimate child; child born by someone other than one's wife
(brother and sister) born of a different mother
to resolve; to make up one's mind; to decide
dessert stomach; having room for dessert despite being full
spite; resentment
to speak frankly; to speak unreservedly; to open up to each other; to talk candidly; to speak by laying everything on the table; to talk straight from the gut
to satisfy one's appetite
feeling of emptiness in the stomach; sensation of hunger
to feel hungry; to get hungry
hungry; starving
cannot suppress one's anger; cannot stomach
lying on one's belly; crawling on one's belly; belly crawl
you can't make an omelet without breaking eggs; you can't solve a problem without making some sacrifice
to become a little hungry; to become a bit peckish
belly; abdomen
expressing oneself without words or gestures; force of personality
full stomach; bellyful; (eat) heartily; to one's heart's content
to fill one's own pocket by taking advantage of a position
to be frank; to drop all pretense
hillside; mountainside
child one is expecting; child in one's womb
plan; intention
to get an upset stomach; to have diarrhea
lying on one's belly; crawling on one's belly; belly crawl
exercise to help digestion
hungry; starving
to take offense; to take offence; to get angry; to lose one's temper
plan; intention
abdominal cavity
feeling of a full stomach after a meal; satisfaction of having a full stomach
to get an upset stomach; to have diarrhea
in the belly; in one's heart of hearts
to get angry; to take offense; to take offence; to be furious
bellows (of an accordion, camera, etc.); cornice; rickrack; ricrac; pleated shape; accordion pleats
illegitimate (e.g. born to a mistress)
to become hungry
to become hungry; to get an empty stomach
empty stomach; hunger
to probe someone's real intentions; to sound someone out; to try to fathom someone's thoughts
anger; passion
food to fill one's stomach; something to satisfy one's hunger
henchman; right-hand man; trusted confidant; inner circle
to roll around laughing; to fold up; to hold one's sides with laughter
side or bottom of a ship; ship's hold; bottoms; shipping; tonnage; freight space
within one; at heart
haramaki; bellyband; stomach band; torso armour that opens at the back; haramaki
to make up one's mind
to feel hungry; to get hungry
to become hungry; to get an empty stomach
to have diarrhea
to pay with one's own money; to pay out of one's own pocket
abdomen; stomach; under parts
feeling of fullness; ability of a food to fill you up
potbelly; paunch
irritating; aggravating; upsetting
born of the same mother; kindred spirits
making a surgical incision in the abdomen
haramaki; bellyband; stomach band; torso armour that opens at the back; haramaki
to have guts; to be unwavering in one's resolution
to become a little hungry; to become a bit peckish
to give birth to; to have a stomachache
condition of one's stomach
one's side; spleen
diaphragmatic breathing; abdominal breathing
reserving one's thoughts
being moderate in eating; stopping short of stuffing oneself
(for one's stomach) to rumble
empty stomach; hunger
(for one's stomach) to rumble
laughing oneself into convulsions; splitting one's sides laughing; rolling with laughter
ascites; abdominal dropsy
you can't make an omelet without breaking eggs; you can't solve a problem without making some sacrifice
disembowelment; harakiri
pretending to obey but secretly betraying (someone)
death during sexual intercourse
to resolve; to make up one's mind; to decide
to feel hungry; to get hungry
child born to one's current wife
bellyband; maternity belt; (saddle) girth
you can't make an omelet without breaking eggs; you can't solve a problem without making some sacrifice
cannot suppress one's anger; cannot stomach
you can't make an omelet without breaking eggs; you can't solve a problem without making some sacrifice
to get an upset stomach; to have diarrhea
gutsy; fearless; unwavering
back and front; opposition in the heart
laxative; purgative; evacuant; loose bowels; diarrhea; diarrhoea
one's own profits; one's own pockets
one's internal clock
cannot contain one's anger; can't contain myself; staying angry
harakiri; seppuku; ritual suicide by disembowelment
filling (meal); heavy; solid; substantial
harakiri; seppuku; ritual suicide by disembowelment
to lie on one's stomach; to sleep while lying on one's stomach; to crawl on the ground; to sprawl
abdominal wall
laparotomy (abdominal surgery)
an army marches on its stomach; (lit.) you can't fight on an empty stomach
sit-ups; exercise to strengthen one's abdominal muscles
rectus abdominis muscle; abdominal rectus muscle
to understand; to be satisfied; to be convinced
there's always room for dessert; (lit.) there's another stomach for dessert
retaliation; revenge
to become hungry
to get an upset stomach; to have diarrhea
workman's apron; bib
obstinacy; stubbornness
chest and stomach; one's innermost being
you can't make an omelet without breaking eggs; you can't solve a problem without making some sacrifice
retaliation; revenge
being forced to commit seppuku; to be forced to bear responsibility and resign from one's position
filling (meal); heavy; solid; substantial
cannot contain one's anger; can't contain myself; staying angry
drumming on one's belly; having one's fill
belly of a pregnant woman
empty stomach; hunger
anger (held in check); irritation; rage
being forced to commit seppuku; to be forced to bear responsibility and resign from one's position
eating moderately; moderation in eating; (lit.) eating until 80% full
to be forced to bear the responsibility and resign; to be driven out of office
potbelly; beer belly
child of a different mother
palm (of one's hand)
(eating or drinking) to one's heart's content
to keep to oneself (secret, etc.)
belly of a boat
to lie on one's stomach; to sleep while lying on one's stomach; to crawl on the ground; to sprawl
appetite; distinction between what is thought and what is said
beer belly; potbelly
following one's master into death by committing ritual suicide (seppuku)
anger; passion
belly; abdomen; stomach
harakiri; seppuku; disembowelment
to have a meal (before doing something); to fortify oneself with a meal
to have guts; to be unwavering in one's resolution
scheming; malicious; wicked; blackhearted
one litter; one clutch (e.g. eggs)
showing (i.e. being visibly pregnant); someone who is visibly pregnant
to laugh to oneself; to smile to oneself
having a meal (before doing something); fortifying oneself with a meal
fish entrails
to fill one's own pocket by taking advantage of a position
women's obi with a different colour on each side; facing each other; being opposite; (arch.) informing each other; (arch.) coming to terms with one another
convulsions of laughter
afterbirth pains; afterpains; repercussions; consequences; child from a later wife
gastrocnemius muscle
to have diarrhea
abdominal external oblique muscle
empty stomach; hunger
celiac artery; coeliac artery
woman who has produced only daughters
you can't make an omelet without breaking eggs; you can't solve a problem without making some sacrifice
happiness; contentment
acute abdomen; stomach problem requiring immediate surgery
rumbling stomach; noise from gas moving inside the digestive tract; borborygmus; rugitus
being satisfied; being convinced; understanding
girth of the abdomen
brown-headed thrush (Turdus chrysolaus); Japanese dace (Tribolodon hakonensis); Japanese fire belly newt (Cynops pyrrhogaster); dysentery
women's obi with a different colour on each side; facing each other; being opposite; (arch.) informing each other; (arch.) coming to terms with one another
laparoscopy; peritoneoscopy; ventroscopy
ventral surface
you can't make an omelet without breaking eggs; you can't solve a problem without making some sacrifice
taking for granted; rash conclusion
following one's master into death by committing ritual suicide (seppuku)
to have loose bowels
transverse abdominal muscle; transversus abdominis muscle
convulsions of laughter
cannot contain one's anger; can't contain myself; staying angry
cannot suppress one's anger; cannot stomach
plan; intention
generous; big-hearted; broad-minded; magnanimous
surviving on rice gruel
to eat to one's hearts content; to drum the belly
woman who has borne only male children
pelvic fin; ventral fin
stomach filled with tea
bellyband; apron; bib; breastplate
bowel pains; painful loose bowels
ventral massage
secretly slitting one's belly (and only eventually revealing one's mortal wound) (in kabuki, bunraku, etc.)
obstinacy; stubbornness
legitimate (child)
to have a meal (before doing something); to fortify oneself with a meal
showing (i.e. being visibly pregnant); someone who is visibly pregnant
skirt steak; meat cut from the diaphragm; belly meat (e.g. salmon); peritoneal meat (e.g. chicken)
being moderate in eating; stopping short of stuffing oneself
calf muscle; sural
flank; side; loin; latus
to be slightly offended; to be somewhat irritated
Gastropoda (class of molluscs)
abdominal chills; diarrhea; diarrhoea
to convulse (e.g. with laughter); to split one's sides
bowel pains; painful loose bowels
to pay with one's own money; to pay out of one's own pocket
retaliation; revenge
anger; passion
fan seppuku; death penalty for samurai in which the condemned performs a symbolic disembowelment with a fan before being decapitated
waterlogged stomach; allaying hunger with water
to convulse (e.g. with laughter); to split one's sides
early morning
child from an earlier wife; preceding one's master into death by committing ritual suicide (seppuku)
fan seppuku; death penalty for samurai in which the condemned performs a symbolic disembowelment with a fan before being decapitated
white plaster bun-shaped mound (used to support base stones, etc.)
black-hearted; nasty
anger; passion
quick-tempered; easily offended
weak stomach; non-stop diarrhea
stomach pain due to worms
fish eggs; roe
trout; Japanese dace (Tribolodon hakonensis); Nibe croaker (Nibea mitsukurii)
loose bowels; diarrhea; diarrhoea
women's obi with a different colour on each side
(people) sing the praises (enjoy the blessings) of peace
exercise to help digestion
side or bottom of a ship; ship's hold; bottoms; shipping; tonnage; freight space
feeling of fullness; ability of a food to fill you up
laughing oneself into convulsions; splitting one's sides laughing; rolling with laughter
you can't make an omelet without breaking eggs; you can't solve a problem without making some sacrifice
an army marches on its stomach; (lit.) you can't fight on an empty stomach
being convinced
return of spring; long-awaited, favorable turn of fortune (favourable)
scheming; malicious; wicked; blackhearted
potbelly; beer belly
pelvic fin; ventral fin
to be slightly offended; to be somewhat irritated
anger; passion
pale thrush (Turdus pallidus)
women's obi with a different colour on each side
black-hearted; nasty
diarrhoea; diarrhea; loose bowels
diarrhoea; diarrhea; loose bowels
diarrhoea; diarrhea; loose bowels
have loose bowels
belly; flanks
gastrotrichs (members of a phylum of tiny bristled wormlike animals)
honey in one's mouth but a razor in one's belt
honey in one's mouth but a razor in one's belt
anything is better than nothing; kail spares bread; a bellyful is a bellyful, whether it be meat or drink; (lit.) tea in the belly (will fill it) for a time
moderation is its own medicine; take care of your stomach; don't overeat
if you don't speak your mind, you'll feel uneasy afterwards
desperation; despair
desperation; despair
desperation; despair
desperation; despair
desperation; despair
desperation; despair
desperation; despair
back pain due to the cold accompanying a snowfall
Solenogastres (subclass of small worm-like molluscs)
abdominal leg; proleg; pleopod
abdominal leg; proleg; pleopod
one becomes sleepy when one's stomach is full; full stomach, sleepy head; (lit.) when the skin of the belly is extended, the skin of the eyes droops
one becomes sleepy when one's stomach is full; full stomach, sleepy head; (lit.) when the skin of the belly is extended, the skin of the eyes droops
early morning; (arch.) empty stomach in the morning before eating breakfast; (arch.) triviality; (arch.) simple matter
to calm down
sural nerve; short saphenous nerve; nervus suralis
child born to one's legal wife (as opposed to one's concubine, etc.)
child born to one's legal wife (as opposed to one's concubine, etc.)
child born to one's legal wife (as opposed to one's concubine, etc.)
stomach ache
stomach ache
stomach ache
to do something impossible; (lit.) to disembowel oneself with a pestle
to do something impossible; (lit.) to disembowel oneself with a ladle
tightly twisted thread
long-tailed jaeger; long-tailed skua (Stercorarius longicaudus)
Indo-Pacific mantis (Hierodula patellifera)
chestnut munia (species of passerine bird, Lonchura atricapilla); black-headed munia
red-bellied lemur (Eulemur rubriventer)
Chinese sparrowhawk (Accipiter soloensis); gray frog hawk; grey frog hawk
Chilean dolphin (Cephalorhynchus eutropia); black dolphin
dusky dolphin (Lagenorhynchus obscurus)
Examples (200 in total)
Does your stomach hurt or something?
If you're hungry, eat.
Do you remember the time you were in your mother's belly?