rattan box
FrequencyTop 2900-3000
TypeExtended shinjitai ?
KankenLevel Pre-1
Old form
Composed of
Used in vocabulary (29 in total)
chest of drawers; bureau; cabinet; tansu; dresser
calabash (Lagenaria siceraria); bottle gourd; gourd (container); calabash
cupboard or chest for tea implements
something appearing from a place you wouldn't expect; something said as a joke actually happening; (lit.) a horse from a gourd; something impossible; something ridiculous
green calabash; unripe gourd; scrawny, pale person; sallow-faced person
small cabinet; chest of drawers; bureau
wardrobe (esp. for Western clothes); chest of drawers; clothespress; dresser; tallboy
unused things (esp. clothing); objects bought but never used
bottle gourd; ensign bearing a cluster of gourds (used by Toyotomi Hideyoshi)
(person) slippery as an eel
chest of drawers that also function as stairs
something appearing from a place you wouldn't expect; something said as a joke actually happening; (lit.) a horse comes out from a gourd; something impossible; something ridiculous
bureau; chest of drawers; cabinet
receiving with food and drink (e.g. troops); (lit.) baskets of rice and vessels of congee
bamboo utensil (for holding food); bamboo dish
bamboo dish of rice
unused things (esp. clothing); objects bought but never used
bottle gourd; ensign bearing a cluster of gourds (used by Toyotomi Hideyoshi)
bottle gourd; ensign bearing a cluster of gourds (used by Toyotomi Hideyoshi)
bottle gourd; ensign bearing a cluster of gourds (used by Toyotomi Hideyoshi)
receiving with food and drink (e.g. troops); (lit.) baskets of rice and vessels of congee
receiving with food and drink (e.g. troops); (lit.) baskets of rice and vessels of congee
simple food and drink; being content with a frugal life; (lit.) a bamboo dish of rice and a gourd of drink
small-sized wardrobe
simple food and drink; being content with a frugal life; (lit.) a bamboo dish of rice and a gourd of drink