FrequencyTop 1000-1100
Shinjitai ?
KankenLevel 3
Old form
Composed of
grain plant
claw (radical)
broken trident
Used in vocabulary (19 in total)
calm; quiet; gentle; moderate; reasonable; amicable
tranquil; calm; restful; peaceful; quiet
disquieting; threatening; turbulent; restless; unsettled; disturbing
Examples (31 in total)
She spoke in a gentle voice.
The sea was truly calm.
The sea was calm.
My father speaks in a gentle tone.
A gentle wind was blowing.
The sea after the storm was calm.
After the storm, the ocean was calm.
She has a soft and clear voice.
She lived a quiet life in the country.
Spring brings mild weather after the cold winter.
The climate is mild in this country.
Generally speaking, the weather was mild last year.
The climate of Japan is mild.
Japan has a mild climate.
The sea looks calm and smooth.
This road curves gently to the right.
Generally speaking, the climate in England is mild.
Tom leads a quiet life.
Tom is always outwardly calm.
The air is soft, the soil moist.
The climate here is milder than in Moscow.
My uncle lived a happy life and died a peaceful death.
The climate here is milder than that of England.
The climate of Japan is milder than that of England.
We spent a peaceful day in the countryside.
He is a man of moderate opinions.
The city was restored to tranquility after a week.
Quietness is a great treasure.
The weather in Florida is generally moderate.
Country life is very peaceful in comparison with city life.
Peace-keeping troops moved in to restore calm after the battle.