FrequencyTop 1000-1100
KankenLevel 4
Composed of
Used in vocabulary (133 in total)
gun; cannon; artillery; ordnance
bombarding; shelling; bombardment
firing; discharge of gun
gun; wooden pole that wrestlers strike in practice; puffer fish
gun; cannon; artillery
shell; cannonball
(gun) battery; fort
main battery; main armament
water pistol; squirt gun; water gun
concentrated fire; intense criticism
artillery; gunner
muzzle (of a gun)
gunfire; fire
gunport; embrasure; muzzle
gunshot; bullet; lost messenger; truant messenger; bull's-eye (candy)
sound of a gun; roar of cannon
empty gun; gun loaded with blanks; firing a blank
signal gun; starting gun
gunnery; artillery
anti-aircraft fire; flak
guns; firearms
cannonball; shot (in the shot put)
anti-aircraft gun; antiaircraft artillery
salute of guns
rapid-fire gun or cannon; talking rapidly; barrage of words or questions
like a pigeon who's been shot by a peashooter (i.e. wide-eyed in shock)
heavy artillery
gun platform
artillery battle
secondary armament (of a warship); secondary battery; secondary gun
ship's guns
Vulcan cannon
self-propelled artillery
battery (of artillery, cameras, etc.); barrage
railgun; firearm that uses electromagnetism to propel a projectile
field gun; field artillery
cannon (esp. high-velocity artillery)
recoilless rifle; recoilless gun
noon gun; noonday gun
smooth-bore gun; unrifled gun
gun carriage
gunsmoke; smoke of cannon
cannon (esp. high-velocity artillery)
mounting for two or more guns (e.g. naval turret, tank)
air cannon (toy)
high-angle or anti-aircraft gun
salute (gun)
gun mount; gun carriage
elbowing (someone); rejection; rebuff
(whaling) harpoon gun
popgun; origami popgun
roar of a cannon
mountain gun
single-mounted gun (naval turret, tank, etc.)
styrofoam; styrene foam; expanded polystyrene
gun breech
gunshot; bullet; lost messenger; truant messenger; bull's-eye (candy)
archerfish (any fish of family Toxotidae, esp. the banded archerfish, Toxotes jaculatrix)
cannon (esp. high-velocity artillery)
gunner; artillerist
artillery funeral salute
the smoke of guns and a rain of bullets or shells
even the unskilled can succeed by a fluke given enough tries; (lit.) even a poor marksman will hit the target with enough shots
howitzer; high-angle gun
longhorn beetle grub
bath with a metal pipe
damaging article published by the Shūkan Bunshun weekly
aimless attempt; shot in the dark
seacoast artillery
Easter lily (Lilium longiflorum)
even the unskilled can succeed by a fluke given enough tries; (lit.) even a poor marksman will hit the target with enough shots
warning gun; alarm gun
even the unskilled can succeed by a fluke given enough tries; (lit.) even a poor marksman will hit the target with enough shots
gun; rifle; small arms
gunsmoke; smoke of cannon
snapping shrimp (Alpheus brevicristatus); pistol prawn
snapping shrimp (Alpheus brevicristatus); pistol prawn
shortawn foxtail (Alopecurus aequalis)
air defense artillery; air defence artillery
gunmakers guild
aimless attempt; shot in the dark; crapshot
light field gun
salad of minced Welsh onions, seafood, and vinegared miso
Bombardment of Yeonpyeong (November 23, 2010)
cannon containing a recoil system
form of torture in which molten lead is poured over the victim's back
doing something without having decided what one's goal for it is; (lit.) a rifle in the dark
poor swing (golf); hanging back during the swing; (lit.) Meiji-era cannon
Examples (8 in total)
They heard a gun go off in the distance.
We fired guns at the enemy.
In the U.S., as many as 216 million firearms are said to be in private hands.