reproduce and multiply
FrequencyTop 2000-2100
KankenLevel 4
Composed of
bone remains
Used in vocabulary (65 in total)
increase; multiplication; propagation; proliferation
breeding; multiplication; increase; propagation; reproduction
aquaculture; culture; cultivation; raising
reproductive (procreative) power; fertility
to increase; to multiply
genital organ; genitalia; sexual organ; reproductive organ
reproductive capability; fertility; fecundity; biotic potential
to increase; to add to; to augment
nursery; (breeding) farm
reproductive organ; reproductive system
scholarship; learning; knowledge
germ cell; reproductive cell
sexual reproduction; zoogamy
promotion of industry; encouragement of new industry
parthenogenesis; virgin birth
brood; stud; stock; breeding
colony; (Japanese) settlement (in Brazil)
breeding; multiplication; increase; propagation; reproduction
colonization; colonisation
production increase; enhancement of one's fortune
assisted reproductive technology; ART
farmed fish; farm-raised fish; cultivated fish; hatchery fish
to increase one's savings
colonization; colonisation; development; settlement; exploitation
assisted reproductive technology; ART
Sparganum proliferum (species of worm)
proliferative; productive; proliferating; multiplicative
paedogenesis; pedogenesis
broodmare (horse breeding)
reproducing in large numbers; multiplying
Sparganum proliferum (species of worm)
assisted reproductive technology; ART
accessory sex organs; accessory genitalia
be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth
be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth
self-propagation; self-fertilization; selfing
fraudulent business practice of luring people into investing by promising high returns
cultivation (of plants); culturing
Examples (9 in total)
Rabbits breed quickly.
Rats breed rapidly.
Some animals will not breed when kept in cages.