Used in (157 in total)
white clouds
dark clouds; threatening signs; ominous indications
dark clouds; black clouds
wide difference; a world of difference
clouds and fog
sea of clouds
mica; isinglass
nebula; galaxy
winds and clouds; nature; the elements; situation; state of affairs
gathering clouds; group of clouds
cumulonimbus cloud
above the clouds; the heavens
clouds and haze; swarm (of people); throng; (flee) like the wind; (run) out of sight
great difference
dark clouds gather; threatening signs emerge; trouble is afoot
overhead ladder; horizontal ladder; monkey bars; yunti (scaling ladder used for escalade in ancient China)
itinerant priest; wandering monk; mendicant; clouds and water
blue sky; erudition; detachment from the world; high rank
war clouds; threat of war
in the clouds
drifting cloud; floating cloud; instability
lucky adventurer; adventurer who takes advantage of troubled times; soldier of fortune
iridescent clouds; glowing clouds
cumulus clouds
skyscraping; very high; above the clouds; above this mortal world
to have grown tense (of a situation); to have become critical (and to be on the verge of a major upheaval)
purple clouds; clouds on which Amida Buddha rides to welcome the spirits of the dead
in swarms; in throngs; in droves; in hordes
scatter; disperse
summer cloud; summer clouds
dense clouds; overcast
clouds and smoke; landscape
cloud shape
auspicious cloud; Keiun era (704.5.10-708.1.11); Kyōun era
swarm; throng
cirrus (cloud)
ominous cloud
Yunnan Province (China)
morning clouds
speck of cloud
degree of cloudiness; cloud cover
autumn clouds; white, wispy clouds in a clear autumn sky
(metaphorically) floating with the tide
auspicious clouds
cloud formation; cloud-shaped
cloud; look of the sky; kabuki accessory representing a cloud; type of strange mist appearing in the sky, used for divination
(camera) platform
above the clouds
cloud flying through the sky
cloud movements; overhanging clouds
bluish cloud; azure sky; blue sky
twilight clouds
court nobles and other courtiers allowed into the Imperial Palace
height of clouds
to take advantage of the troubled times (of an ambitious adventurer)
mountain clouds; (arch.) mountains and clouds
low-hanging clouds
molecular cloud
altocumulus clouds
Unryū style of grand champion's ring-entering ceremony
cirrostratus; cirrostratus cloud
cloud of suspicion
altostratus clouds
drifting clouds
yunluo (10 small gongs mounted in a wooden frame)
itinerant monk being on pilgrimages to many lands
interstellar cloud
biotite; black or green mica
cirrocumulus; cirrocumulus cloud
mammatus (cloud); mammatocumulus; festoon cloud
life in natural setting, free from worldly cares
muscovite; white mica; talc
Jingo-keiun era (767.8.16-770.10.1)
the nebular hypothesis
gathering dark clouds; being under the shadow of
Magellanic Clouds (galaxies)
clouds in midwinter; cold winter clouds
flying clouds and drifting haze; magnificent calligraphy; vivid penmanship
noctilucent clouds
not being obsessed with something very long (just as clouds and haze pass swiftly before one's eyes)
glowing cloud
being poles apart; (there being) all the difference in the world
gently floating clouds
clouds and earth; great difference
type of sōmen made without added oil; specialty of Miyagi prefecture, usu. eaten in broth, esp. warm in winter
cloud mirror; mirror nephoscope; reflecting nephoscope
beautiful woman (metaphorical)
dialects of Japanese spoken in Western Tottori prefecture and Eastern Shimane prefecture
Large Magellanic Cloud (galaxy)
Unden Shinto (branch of Shinto based on Shingon Buddhist teachings)
Small Magellanic Cloud (galaxy)
extreme difference; worlds apart
fragrant styrax; styrax obassia
hand-operated fire pump
Riches and honors are as fleeting as floating clouds; Fortune and fame are here today, gone tomorrow
undulatus; wave cloud
(many things) gathering like clouds and vanishing like mist; swarming and scattering
sexual liaison; (arch.) morning clouds and evening rain
flammagenitus; pyrocumulus cloud; fire cloud
limitless expanse of clouds and smoke
longing for freedom when tied down; (lit.) caged bird's longing for the open sky
classification of clouds
cloud system
eighth-generation descendant; great-great-great-great-great-great-grandchild
clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa)
red-whiskered bulbul (Pycnonotus jocosus)
Callambulyx tatarinovii (species of hawk moth)
plain matcha (powdered green tea)
courtier; court official
auspicious cloud