Used in (78 in total)
unripe; green; inexperienced; immature; unskilled
skill; dexterity; proficiency
deep sleep; sound sleep; profound sleep
being familiar with; having a thorough knowledge of; being well-informed about
maturity; ripeness
to ripen; to mature; to be ready for action; to be the right time (to act); to be in common use; to come to sound natural
maturing; ripening; aging; ageing; curing; fermenting
green hand; novice
proficiency; mastery; becoming proficient (in)
immaturity; infancy
half-cooked; half-done; soft-boiled; half-ripe; unripe
(sexually) attractive older woman; mature woman; MILF
precocity; early ripening; premature development
careful reading; reading thoroughly; perusal
expert; skilled hand; person of experience
deliberation; (thoughtful) consideration; to consider a matter carefully
full ripeness; full maturity
to ripen; to mature; to be ready for action; to be the right time (to act); to be in common use; to come to sound natural
kanji compound; idiom; idiomatic phrase
ripeness; mellowness; maturity; perfection
four-character compound word (esp. idiomatic)
proficiency level; degree of skill; learning level
mature in age and wisdom; middle-aged
overripeness; full maturity; full development
staring at; scrutinizing; scrutinising
for the time to be ripe
four-character compound word (usu. idiomatic)
middle-aged couple; middle-aged husband and wife
proficiency; mastery; competence; becoming proficient (in)
skilled worker; skilled labour
period of maturity; adolescence; puberty
ripe persimmon
divorce of a couple who have been married for a long time (often brought on by retirement of the husband)
(degree of) maturity
careful deliberation
orientation flight; training flight; practice flight
to wait for a ripe moment
abundant harvest
ripening and turning yellow
kanji compound
proficiency; skill; experience
one's full maturity
reading carefully with appreciation; giving (something) a careful perusal
careful consultation
being deliberate in council, and decisive in action
late ripening; late maturity; developing late
deliberation; consideration
careful inspection; scrutiny
sarpis (type of butter)
laying low, awaiting one's chance
reading of a kanji compound by meaning
smelling of (stale) liquor
considering (a matter) carefully and silently; being lost in silent contemplation
well-cooked food; well-boiled food
deliberative democracy; discursive democracy
postmature infant
experienced; skilled; proficient
mellow; mature; fully developed; ripe
kanji proficiency test
common fig (Ficus carica); fig; fig tree