Used in (16 in total)
tobacco; cigarette; cigaret; tobacco plant (Nicotiana tabacum)
dirty smoke; soot and smoke
kiseru; Japanese smoking pipe; fire tube (of a fire-tube boiler); chimney
beacon; skyrocket; signal fire; starting shot; starting signal
chimney; smokestack; funnel (of a ship); carrying a passenger without turning on the taximeter
mist over a body of water; spray; suien; four decorative metal plates joined at right angles forming part of a pagoda finial
(arch.) chimney; kiseru; Japanese smoking pipe
lamp soot (smoke)
sea spray
abstaining from smoking; quitting smoking; No Smoking!; Smoking Prohibited!
gunsmoke; smoke of cannon
flying clouds and drifting haze; magnificent calligraphy; vivid penmanship
smoke signals