Frequencyless than 1%
Used in (31 in total)
ill will; malice; evil intent
being somewhat excited (agitated)
-like; -looking; -looked; tending to ...
honest; respectable; respectable occupation (i.e. not yakuza, prostitute, etc.); person in a respectable occupation
chivalrous spirit; chivalry
slight cold; bit of a cold; touch of a cold; lingering cold
being on the ropes; losing ground
great; grand; (arch.) obstinate; (arch.) stubborn
single-minded (esp. personality or person); one-track mind
fickle; capricious; inconstant; changeable; whimsical
somewhat reserved (diffident); shyly; timidly; retiringly; in a retiring (reserved) manner
plump; rather overweight
tending to anemia; being somewhat anemic
being sick and tired (of); being fed up (with); having one's fill (of)
reek of desperation; feeling of desperation
-like nature; -like disposition; -ish temperament
being somewhat puzzled; looking somewhat baffled
being rather confused; looking somewhat dismayed (perturbed)
commercial spirit; profit motive
overheated; hyper-; overearnest
being somewhat (half) joking; half seriously; half in jest; in a jocular vein
disposition; temperament; nature; mentality; spirit; character
old-fashioned way of thinking; old-fashioned spirit; old-fashioned
speculative spirit
mercenary spirit
taut (condition); taken up slack; removed slack
compassionate heart
feminine spirit; graceful and kind nature
impatience; eagerness