Used in (38 in total)
to line up; to stand in a line; to rival; to match; to equal
to line up; to set up; to enumerate; to itemize; to be equal (to); to compare well (with)
to stand in a row (e.g. shops on a street); to line in a row; to line; to be equal to; to be on a par with
to stand, walk, etc. shoulder-to-shoulder; to be on a par with
to sit in a row; to be arrayed
line; row; rank; list
and (also); both ... and; as well as
to stand in a line; to stand in a row; to be equal
to place in a row; to line up; to list; to enumerate; to talk a lot of nonsense; to tell a lot of lies
going along with something; following the crowd; treating something in an equal or egalitarian manner
to work together (in the same class, workplace, etc.); to be classmates; to sit side by side; (lit.) to put (one's) desks side by side
to rearrange; to reorder; to move around; to sort; to collate
row of teeth; set of teeth; dentition
to rearrange; to resequence
to stand side by side; to stand in a row
to reorganize; to rearrange; to put (things) in order
to line up with
fan-tan (card game); sevens; parliament
together; abreast; side-by-side
to line up points in a speech
gobang (game played on go board involving lining up stones); gomoku; Five in a Row
if two ride upon a horse, one must sit behind; when Greek meets Greek, then comes the tug of war; two great rivals cannot coexist
unparalleled; unparallelled; unequaled; unequalled; unique
tic-tac-toe; noughts and crosses
sort; sorting
someone who has a title but no real duty; useless person; actor playing a daimyo who merely sets the scene as part of the background (in kabuki)
alongside; side-by-side; abreast
attribute (definition) list declaration
unparalleled; unparallelled; unequaled; unequalled; unique
attribute (specification) list
alignment line